Voice Actions For Mac

‎Stay organized and manage your day-to-day with Microsoft To Do. Make shopping lists or task lists, take notes, record collections, set reminders and more to improve your productivity and focus on what matters. Microsoft To Do is the task management app that makes it easy to stay organized and manag. Voice Actions has no content in its actual Window until it starts recognizing commands. Designed to just run in the background. Using another application: Mute Mic: was helpful as it allows you to toggle mute on the mic via Option+F5, as Jeannie is listening all the time. Does have commands to stop and start Jeannie, but preferred using Mute Mic. Call a friend: 'Call Lindsay Hampson' or 'Call Mom.' Text a friend: 'Text Jason that I'm running 5 minutes late.' Send a Hangouts chat message: 'Send a Hangouts message to Bob' or 'Start a Hangouts chat.' Start a Hangouts video call: 'Start a video call' or 'Video call Jane using Hangouts.' Send an email: 'Send an email to Kristin, subject new shoes, message, I can't wait to show you my new. Applications use key combinations as shortcuts to help you work faster. Many shortcuts are common to all Mac OS X applications, such as Command-S for Save and Command-P for Print. You can use these keyboard shortcuts and VoiceOver commands to control actions on your computer. VoiceOver commands always include the VO keys (the Control and Option. Voice Actions for Mac. $2.99 Pannous Mac OS X 10.10/10.11/10.9 Version 1.3 Full Specs. Download Now Secure Download. Publisher's Description. From Pannous: Voice Actions is your personal.

Voice actions for mac osx

Google Voice Actions recognizes many spoken and typed action requests and createsAndroid intents for them. Apps like Play Music and Keep can receive theseintents and perform the requested action. Your app can declare support for someof these actions too:

  1. Define an intent filter
  2. Handle the intent in your app
  3. Update your app completion status

For a detailed list of supported system actions, see System Actions Reference.

Step 1: Define an intent filter

To indicate that your app supports one or more system actions, include an intent filter foreach action in the manifest file of your app.

For example, if your app canset an alarm, addthe following intent filter to your manifest file:

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If a user has multiple apps that can handle the Set an Alarm intent, Google Voice Actions letsthem choose the app to complete the action:

Figure 1: Voice Actions lets users select from apps that support system actions.

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Step 2: Handle the intent in your app

When your app receives the intent, it should perform the action. In this example, it shouldset the alarm. See the code example below.

Step 3: Update your app completion status

The App Indexing APIallows you to send completed app activities to Google. Google can then surfaceyour content to users again later, via query autocompletions from the Googleapp.

After your app performs the action, call theAppIndexApi.end()method with an appropriate action type, for exampleAction.TYPE_ADD.

You should also set the appropriate action status type to report whether the action was completed successfullyor not. You can use the setActionStatusmethod to set the status for a particular action.

Here's a complete example demonstrating how to handle the incoming intent and use the App Indexing API to report that the user successfullyset an alarm:

System actions reference

Google Voice Actions fires an intent when it recognizes any of the actions listed in the followingtables.

Voice Over Commands In Mac

Alarm actions

ActionExample Command
set an alarm for 6 am
set a timer for 5 minutes

Communication actions

ActionExample Command
call 555-5555
call starbucks
call mom
call voicemail

The Call actions only trigger on devices with a built-in dialer (like a phone) and on deviceswith apps that support dialing (like a tablet with a VoIP app).

Voice Actions For Mac

Fitness actions

ActionExample Command
start a bike ride
start a run
start a workout
show heart rate
show step count

Local actions

ActionExample Command
book a cab

The Book a cab action only triggers on Android Wear.

Media actions

ActionExample Command
play michael jackson billie jean
play some music
play classical music
play off the wall
play pink floyd on vnstreamer
take a picture
record a video

Open actions

ActionExample Command
open twitter.com
Open Applicationopen twitter (Works by default; no specific intent.)

Mac Voices Download

Productivity actions

ActionExample Command
take a note buy groceries

Search actions

Free voices for macActions
ActionExample Command
search for cat videos on youtube